Sunday, July 31, 2011

Momok Jangan Panggil Aku (2011) DVDRip AVI,MKV & RMVB Mediafire

Momok Jangan Panggil Aku (2011) DVDRip AVI,MKV & RMVB Mediafire

Ramlee menerima panggilan dari rakan lama sekolejnya, Aziz, untuk menjemput beliau ke majlis kendurinya di Kampung Pulau Rusa, Pekan Pahang. Ramlee bersama rakannya, Qaseh, seorang novelis cerita-cerita seram dan Sudin menerima jemputan Aziz dan bertolak dari Bandaraya ke Pahang dengan menaiki sebuah kenderaan.

Sepanjang perjalanan ke Pahang untuk menghadiri majlis kenduri Aziz, Qaseh memulakan cerita-cerita seram yang dialaminya termasuk dari kisah seram yang dari novel seram yang bakal diterbitkan nanti. Bermula dengan cerita Hantu Raya, Polong dan Saka cerita-cerita seram ini telah diselang-selikan dengan insiden seram yang benar-benar berlaku.

Kebosanan dalam perjalanan bertukar menjadi satu perjalanan yang menimbulkan rasa seram. Mereka terserempak dengan realiti cerita seram di lebuhraya apabila berselisih dengan kereta yang tidak berpemandu. Mereka juga telah melanggar imej misteri yang membuat mereka terpaksa membuat laporan di Balai Polis. Mereka bertambah bingung apabila pihak polis memberitahu terdapat 5 aduan yang sama tetapi tidak menemui tubuh yang dilanggar.

Di tengah perjalanan mereka turut menumpangkan seorang gadis yang bernama Ita dan seorang lelaki misteri yang hanya dipanggil Abang Long. Tujuan mereka bertiga menumpangkan Ita dan Abang Long adalah bertujuan untuk menemankan mereka yang ketakutan dalam perjalanan memandu. Namun kehadiran Abang Long dan Ita telah menambahkan curiga kepada mereka bertiga. Mereka telah menurunkan Ita di sebuah rumah yang berhampiran dengan kawasan perkuburan manakala Abang Long akhirnya menemankan rakan bertiga ini untuk menuju ke destinasi mereka di Pahang. Setelah didesak oleh Qaseh, Pak Long turut menceritakan cerita seram kepada Qaseh sebagai bahan novelnya.


M Jamil, Ariff S Shamsuddin, Cassandra Patrick, Mariani, Zarina Zainuddin, Yassin Salleh, Amin Khan, Ery Zukhairi





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Flat 3A (2011) DVDRip AVI,MKV & RMVB Mediafire

Flat 3A (2011) DVDRip AVI,MKV & RMVB Mediafire

Filem FLAT 3A mengisahkan tentang pengalaman ngeri dan seram Fikah (Intan Ladyana) dan teman lelakinya Anas. Setelah Fikah berpindah ke rumah baru, tanpa diduga rumah tersebut adalah sebuah rumah tinggal yang cukup berpuaka dan mula menghantui Fikah. Di samping itu usaha Wahyu (Ery Zukhairi) yang menjejaki kehilangan anak saudaranya, Fatin mula merungkai segala persoalan dan misteri. Apakah punca rumah itu berpuaka dan apakah yang bakal terjadi kepada Fikah dan Anas? Apakah kaitan Fatin & Wahyu dalam misteri rumah tersebut?


Intan Ladyana, Shasha, Ery Zukhairi, Adey Syafrien, Zaidi Omar, Khaty Azean.





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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tolong! Awek Aku Pontianak (2011) DVDRip AVI,MKV & RMVB Mediafire

Tolong! Awek Aku Pontianak (2011) DVDRip AVI,MKV & RMVB Mediafire

Tolong! Awek Aku Pontianak adalah sebuah kisah cinta komedi yang terjadi antara manusia biasa dan juga pontianak. Kisah ini bermula apabila Bob telah ditinggalkan oleh teman wanitanya. Sebelum itu, Bob sering bermimpi teman wanitanya bertukar menjadi pontianak. Jadi, selepas berpisah, Bob bersama kawan karibnya berpindah ke rumah baru yang lebih murah sewanya.

Jiran di hadapan rumah mereka merupakan dua orang adik beradik perempuan bernama Maya dan adik perempuannya. Sebelum ini, setiap kali mereka mendapat jiran, mereka akan berpindah ke tempat lain. Tetapi kali ini, Maya memberitahu adiknya bahawa mereka akan terus tinggal di sana dan tidak akan berpindah. Tetapi, adiknya ingin menguji Bob dan kawan karibnya itu. Selepas diuji, ternyata Bob memang seorang lelaki yang baik.

Bob bekerja di sebuah syarikat sebagai Junior Designer. Dia bersama rakan sekerja sering dibuli oleh Head of Department mereka. Segala idea mereka akan dicuri oleh Head ofDepartment mereka. Ini termasuklah idea dan juga konsep perniagaan yang akan dijual kepada pelanggan mereka.

Selepas itu, Maya mula mengajak Bob untuk pergi menonton wayang bersama. Ketika mereka pulang, beg Maya telah diragut oleh peragut. Bob cuma untuk mengambil kembali beg tersebut tetapi malangnya dia telah dipukul oleh peragut tersebut. Akibatnya, Maya telah bertukar menjadi pontianak untuk menyelamatkan Bob. Sejak dari itu, cinta mereka telah berputik.

Head of Department tempat Bob bekerja telah datang rumah Bob untuk melawat Bob. Ketika itu, mereka telah menawarkan Maya untuk bekerja di syarikat mereka dan Maya bersetuju untuk bekerja di sana kerana dia ingin bersama Bob. Jadi, dia telah membantu Bob melakukan tugas di pejabat dan menaikkan nama Bob semasa mesyuarat bersama CEO. Selepas itu, Bob dilantik menjadi Senior Designer kerana CEO amat berpuas hati dengan idea yang Bob berikan.

Head of Department cuba untuk memikat Maya. Dia telah merancang satu tipu helah kononnya ada hantu di dalam pejabat tersebut. Akibatnya, Maya telah berukar menjadi pontianak dan rahsia tersebut telah terbongkar. Selepas itu, mereka merancang untuk mendedahkan rahsia tersebut ketika Costume Party.

Mereka telah menjemput seorang bomoh untuk menangkap Maya dan adiknya. Walau bagaimanapun, rancangan mereka tidak berjaya. Tetapi, Maya telah mendedahkan siapa dirinya kepada Bob. Akibat daripada ketakutan, Bob telah melarikan diri.

Dalam masa yang sama, kawan kepada Head of Department telah diculik oleh Kak Nadia yang merupakan pontianak juga. Ketika Maya dan adiknya tiba di rumah, mereka telah bergaduh dengan Kak Nadia. Adik Maya berjaya melarikan diri dan meminta pertolongan daripada Bob dan bomoh tersebut. Mereka terus ke rumah Maya untuk menyelamatkan Maya.

Setelah berlawan dengan Kak Nadia, akhirnya Kak Nadia berjaya dibunuh oleh Bob. Tetapi, Maya dan adiknya terpaksa meninggalkan tempat tersebut kerana mereka telah berjanji dengan bomoh tersebut. Sebelum Maya meninggalkan tempat itu, Bob telah mencium dahi Maya. Lantas, Maya telah bertukar menjadi manusia biasa juga. Akhirnya, mereka dapat hidup bersama tanpa halangan lagi.

Zahiril Adzim, Sazzy Falak, Liyana Jasmay, Afdlin Shauki, Jehan Miskin, Harun Salim Bachik





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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Edisi Khas (2011) SDTVRip TV3 MKV Mediafire [Episode 01-07]

Edisi Khas (2011) SDTVRip TV3 MKV Mediafire

Edisi Khas merupakan sebuah lagi sitkom komedi terbitan TV3 dengan genre 'spoof news' di mana akan 'membincangkan' isu semasa dengan penuh drama.

Johan memainkan peranan sebagai pengacara yang bergelar 'Fifi Fairuz Fuyoo' yang akan memperkenalkan tiga segmen lakonan dalam setiap episod. Antara topik yang akan dipersembahkan melalui sketsa yang mencuit hati termasuk isu kad kredit dimana dua pasangan kekasih yang berbelanja sakan dengan kad kredit semata-mata untuk mengambil hati kekasihnya.

Along pula berlakon sebagai individu yang melarikan diri daripada along(lintah darat) dan juga isu 'kenapa wanita tempatan lebih tertarik kepada lelaki warga asing!'

Johan Raja Lawak, Saiful Apek, Almy Nadia, Ropie Cecupak, Along Cham, Sharifah Shahira dan Achong.




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Nur Kasih The Movie (2011) DVDRip AVI Mediafire

Nur Kasih The Movie (2011) DVDRip AVI Mediafire

Filem ini adalah kesinambungan drama Nur Kasih di mana pengakhiran ceritanya, Adam berjaya mendapatkan kembali cinta dari Nur Amina dan Aidil juga begitu berjaya mendapatkan kembali kepercayaan isterinya Aliya. Untuk filem ini, Aidil menjalani kehidupannya sebagai seorang bapa tunggal kepada dua cahaya mata iaitu Ilyas, 7, dan Maryam, 5, setelah isterinya, Alia (Ayu Raudhah) meninggal dunia.


Remy Ishak, Fizz Fairuz, Tiz Zaqyah, Ayu Raudah, Mia Sara Nasuha, Liza Othman, Syafie, Beto Khusyairi



AVI (700mb)

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Sekali Lagi (2011) DVDRip AVI Mediafire

Sekali Lagi (2011) DVDRip AVI Mediafire

Arman (Shaheizy Sam) merupakan seorang pesakit yang percaya dirinya menghidapi penyakit autisme. Dia dijaga oleh ibu (Kartina Aziz) dan ayah saudaranya (Alex Yanz) selepas pembedahan. Dia dijodohkan dengan (Shasha Zurazie) atas pilihan ibunya. Satu hari, Arman diperas ugut dan kehadiran Amy (Mia Sara Nasuha) menyelamatkan Arman. Sejak hari itu, mereka berkawan baik sehinggalah hal persahabatan mereka diketahui ibu Amy, Shiela (Lisa Surihani). Shiela berang dan melarang Amy berjumpa Arman. Mengapakah Shiela berbuat begitu?


Shaheizy Sam, Lisa Surihani, Mia Sara Nasuha, Bront Palarae, Kartina Aziz, Zul Handy Black, Bob Lokman


AVI (794MB)

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X-Men First Class (2011) R5 MKV Mediafire

X-Men First Class (2011) R5 MKV Mediafire

Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto's Brotherhood and Professor X's X-MEN.

Action | Adventure | Drama




MKV (500mb)

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Super (2010) LIMITED 720p BluRay MKV Mediafire

Super (2010) LIMITED 720p BluRay MKV Mediafire

After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, though he lacks for heroic skills.

Action | Comedy | Drama



MKV (600mb)

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Jin Kazama

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Jin Kazama
Jin Kazama Tekken 6 BR.jpg
Artwork for Jin Kazama in Tekken 6.
Series Tekken series
First game Tekken 3
Designed by Aya Takemura (Tekken 3, Tekken 4, Tekken Tag, Namco X Capcom)
Voiced by (English) Jacob Franchek (Tekken: The Motion Picture)
Darren Daniels (Tekken: Blood Vengeance)
Voiced by (Japanese) Isshin Chiba
Portrayed by Jon Foo (Tekken)
Fictional profile

Birthplace Japan Japan [1]
Fighting style Advanced Mishima Style Fighting Karate combined with Kazama-Style Self-Defense [1] (Pre-Tekken 4)
Traditional Karate (Post-Tekken 4) [2]
Occupation Mishima Zaibatsu CEO (Tekken 6)
Martial Artist [1]
Jin Kazama (風間 仁 Kazama Jin?) is a character in the Tekken series, first introduced in Tekken 3 as the new protagonist. He is considered the most recognizable character in the series along with his grandfather Heihachi Mishima and his father, Kazuya Mishima. He has also been featured on the packaging for the console version of each sequel following his debut.[3][4][5] In addition, each game in the series after his introduction has featured the result of Jin's endings as the primary focus of the plot, making him one of the most pivotal characters in the ongoing saga. In Gamest's 1997 Heroes Collection, Jin was voted as the staff's thirty-first favorite character. He shared the spot with three other characters, including Street Fighter characters, Charlie, and Yang.[6]



[edit] Description

[edit] Appearance

Jin is a young Japanese man with black hair which spikes up in a distinctive pattern. On his left arm, he bears a mark that was branded onto his skin by the Devil.[7] His most recurring outfits usually comprise of a karate gi or jumpsuit—both with some sort of flame design (the color of which is varied throughout the series, and has been customizable since Tekken 5). While Jin's gi costume usually consists only of trousers, gauntlets and footpads, in Tekken 4, he also wore the jacket of the gi openly, exposing his torso. Tekken 4 also introduced Jin's hooded jumpsuit, which he kept until Tekken 6.[8] Also, in both Tekken 3, and Tekken Tag Tournament, players can select a Mishima High School uniform for Jin to fight in. In Tekken 6, he wears a long black coat similar to the one that he wore in his ending in Tekken 5.
Character designer Yoshinari Mizushima has stated that Jin is one of his favorite characters due to the amount of time it took to design him.[9]

[edit] Personality

Jin's feud with his other Mishima family members and the inner turmoil caused by his "Devil Gene" are consistent topics throughout the series. This struggle has formed somewhat of a "tragic hero" role around the character, punctuated by his very name, Jin, which means "benevolence" in native Japanese.
According to the profile provided by the Tekken 3 instruction booklet, Jin likes his mother's precepts and hates deception. Both values are demonstrated in his ending for Tekken 4: Jin resolves to kill Heihachi Mishima for betraying him, but soon changes his mind and tells Heihachi to "thank Jun Kazama for his life". By the events of Tekken 6, Jin's ambitions seem to have changed from stamping out the Mishima bloodline to global supremacy until the ending, where it is revealed what his true motives are.

[edit] Story

Jin's first appearance was within Tekken 3, where he is introduced as a boy "claiming to be Heihachi's grandson." According to official canon, during the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, Jun Kazama and Kazuya Mishima were intimate, and Jun found herself pregnant afterwards. Jun disappeared into a remote mountain location where she raised Jin and trained him in her Kazama-Style Self-Defense fighting arts. Some time after Jin's 15th birthday, Jun was attacked by Ogre and disappeared. Grieving the loss of his mother, Jin swore revenge. He was then taken in by his grandfather, Heihachi Mishima, who began to train him in Mishima-Based Karate.[1] In 4 years, the 19-year-old Jin then entered the tournament, defeated his grandfather, and destroyed Ogre in a fight. Jin then was gunned down by the Tekken Force and shot in the head by Heihachi. Jin's Devil Gene awakened and he threw his grandfather into a wall and flew off.
Subsequent games follow the events of Jin's ending within Tekken 3. Jin's "Prologue" cinema in Tekken 4 shows that, after Heihachi's betrayal, Jin fell into a pit of self-hatred, despising everything related to the Mishimas. Locating a secluded dojo in Brisbane, Australia, he spent two years unlearning the Mishima style he had used up to that point and mastered "traditional" karate thanks to the help of the dojo master. Eventually, the rumors of a King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 began to surface and the 21-year-old Jin set his sights on this new tournament.
Within Jin's Story Mode, before he can make it to the fight with Kazuya in the seventh round, he is surrounded by the Tekken Force, incapacitated, and chained up at Heihachi's private building in Hon-Maru. Later, Heihachi brings Kazuya to Hon-Maru, and, while Jin is chained, Kazuya attempts to awaken the Devil within Jin. As Jin begins transforming, he attacks and defeats his father. Next, Heihachi attempts to kill Jin and take his power for his own.[10]
Again, based on subsequent Tekken games, Jin's ending is made the story's central focus, with Tekken 5's introduction sequence set only seconds afterward. G Corporation (the rival company to Heihachi's Mishima Zaibatsu) sends an army of Jack robots to kill Heihachi and Kazuya. The two cooperate briefly, but Kazuya betrays Heihachi.[11] The Jacks self-detonate, destroying the Hon-Maru and apparently killing Heihachi. However, Hon-Maru was the location where Heihachi had sealed his father, Jinpachi Mishima, approximately three decades earlier. Jinpachi is freed when Hon-Maru was destroyed.
Jin's Story Mode Prologue states that, immediately after leaving Hon-Maru, Jin's own Devil Gene went berserk. Jin soon found himself awakening inside of an utterly destroyed forest, realizing that he was the cause of the destruction. After returning to Yakushima,[12] he is plagued by recurring nightmares [13] and realizes that it's only a matter of time before the Devil Gene completely takes over. From here, the story shifts to Devil Within.
In the aftermath of the fifth Iron Fist Tournament, Jin has been revealed as the winner and is now the new CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu. However, instead of putting an end to the Zaibatsu, Jin has begun using the company for world conquest and declared war on several nations until the whole world itself is at war. Under his control, the Mishima Zaibatsu defects from any one nation and begins working as a global power, opposing all national militaries. Kazuya, meanwhile, has taken control of G Corporation and risen to become the Mishima Zaibatsu's only opponent, and has put a bounty on Jin's head, dead or alive, to stop him interfering with his own plans for world domination. Jin, having anticipated this, announces The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 to rid himself of Kazuya and his enemies once and for all.[14]
Jin's motives are more fully explored in Tekken 6's "Scenario Campaign" mode, where Jin plays the primary antagonist for much of the story. As leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Jin has been causing chaos and strife across the globe through the grand war he instigated. Lars Alexandersson has stood to challenge Jin's acts of global domination, rallying a faction within the Zaibatsu's Tekken Force military to take down their corrupt leader. Lars and his men try to take over a Zaibatsu-run laboratory but meet resistance in the form of a Jack-6 squadron. The team is overcome with ease and many are left dead while Lars is left without his memory. During the battle, an android named Alisa Bosconovitch is activated and accompanies Lars. In reality, Alisa actually serves Jin, which is revealed late in the story during the first encounter with Jin. Jin orders the android to attack her former companion while he escapes to a temple in the desert. Lars fights Alisa to a draw before Alisa departs to join Jin. Lars eventually catches up to Jin in the courtyard of Azazel's chamber, after which it is revealed what Jin's true motivation is: Jin has been throwing the world into disarray in an effort to awaken the beast known as "Azazel". Azazel's spirit has been resonating within Jin's mind for some time now and to bring forth its physical form, Jin had to fill the world with chaos. Jin's ultimate goal in awakening such a monster is to fight it in a suicidal battle. Only in that way does he believe that he can defeat the creature and cleanse himself of the Devil Gene that haunts him. During the ending of Scenario Campaign, Jin's plan is successful and Azazel awakens. Azazel interrupts the final battle of Scenario Campaign between Jin and Lars and Jin rushes at the monster, plunging both of them into the depths of the temple, which is promptly sealed by the sands of the desert. After the credits, Jin's body is unearthed at the temple site by a crew led by Raven. On his shoulder is the mark of the Devil, suggesting that Jin is not free from its grip.

[edit] Game endings

Tekken 3
Inside an ancient temple, Jin defeats True Ogre, who explodes. Suddenly, the Tekken Force guns him down on Heihachi Mishima's orders. As Jin stubbornly clings to life, Heihachi shoots him in the head personally to finish him off. Heihachi walks away, but watches in shock as his soldiers are sent flying all around him. Heihachi slowly turns around to see Jin, now transformed into Devil Jin. Devil Jin charges into Heihachi, grabs him by the head, and slams him through a stone wall, bursting outside of the temple. As Heihachi falls through the air, Devil Jin sprouts wings and dives after Heihachi and slams him into the ground before taking off again and flying into the distance. Heihachi sits up and watches him fly away.
Tekken Tag Tournament
Having defeated his father, Kazuya, Jin prepares to finish him off, but everything flashes white for an instant and Jin stops in his tracks. Jin drops Kazuya to the floor and then falls to his knees, looking in horror as his hands shake uncontrollably.
Tekken 4
After defeating both Kazuya and Heihachi, Jin, sprouting wings, prepares to finish Heihachi. As he's about to deliver the final blow, he looks to the side and sees a vision of his mother, Jun. He tosses Heihachi to the side, tells him to thank Jun Kazama for being spared, and then turns away and bursts right through the Hon-Maru ceiling.
Tekken 5
Jin defeats Jinpachi Mishima, who then turns into dust while Jin watches him. The scene changes to show Jin wearing a long black trench coat walking into a building billed as the "Mishima Zaibatsu Throne Room", surrounded by thousands of suited underlings, who salute him. Jin then sits down upon the throne, crossing his legs and resting his chin on his fist. A moment later, Jin looks anxiously at the camera, smiles slightly, and prepares to act.
Tekken 6
Jin has two consecutive endings in Tekken 6:
Ending 1
Jin has defeated Azazel and his father Kazuya Mishima and stands in Azazel's temple courtyard as he watches Kazuya lay unconscious on the ground. A moment later, Jin notices one of his helicopters approach the courtyard and sees one of his bodyguards Nina Williams stand at the entrance with a certain figure behind her in darkness. She then falls off motionlessly, revealing the figure to be Jin's grandfather Heihachi Mishima as he steps in front of the entrance. Heihachi jumps out of the entrance and lands in the courtyard. He then says, "Now you will give me back the Zaibatsu."
Ending 2
Jin has defeated his grandfather Heihachi Mishima and watches him lie unconscious on the ground. Suddenly, Azazel's temple starts to crumble and Jin shifts his attention to the crumbling, turning his eyes into the air while listening. One of his helicopters comes for him, lowering to get closer to him. A man dressed in a Tekken force military kit shouts at Jin from the entrance of the helicopter, "Sir, this way! Hurry!" Jin gets into the helicopter as it flies away. As he leaves, Jin watches the temple crumble into ruins with Azazel, Kazuya, Heihachi in the rubble. The clip fades away and fades back revealing the ruins that were Azazel's temple and the clip fades away once more.

[edit] Fighting style

In his early appearances, Jin's moves were a blend between both of his parents, Jun Kazama, and Kazuya Mishima—a combination of "Kazama-Style Self Defense" and "Mishima Fighting Karate". He fights in this style in both Tekken 3 and Tekken Tag Tournament. In Tekken 4, however, this style was discarded in favor of "traditional" karate. Canonically, the reason for this was to display his hatred for his Mishima kin. However, during the final battle of the Scenario Campaign mode in Tekken 6, Jin displays the ability to fire beams as if he were in his devil form while maintaining a human appearance and fighting with traditional Karate at an unbelievable speed.
According to Katsuhiro Harada (director of Tekken 5, Dark Resurrection, and Tekken 6), Jin's original fighting style was developed due to his status as Tekken 3's main character. The development team strove to make Jin the most balanced character within the game. Harada stated that Jin was his favorite character in Tekken 3 because of this.[9]

[edit] Other roles

[edit] Devil Within (Tekken 5)

The optional minigame Devil Within, released in the console version of Tekken 5, chronicles Jin's actions during the two months between the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 and the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. It is based on Tekken Force, but this game is a Force Mode for Jin.

[edit] Devil Within Plot

After the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Jin searches for a way to rid himself of the Devil Gene, until he hears rumors that his mother is still alive. After traveling to a secret laboratory, he learns that it is not his mother held within, but Ogre. Jin, with great willpower, manages to defeat Ogre without use of his Devil transformation. However, with Ogre defeated, Jin is attacked by hundreds of Jack robots and becomes bathed in a white light. The light protects his mind from the Devil and puts him at peace, allowing him to fly away safely.

[edit] Namco × Capcom

Jin is also featured in Namco × Capcom, where he joins forces with Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter and seeks to defeat Devil Kazuya who was his father through the Devil Gene.

[edit] Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Jin is one of the first four fighters demonstrated in the debut gameplay trailer for Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

[edit] Street Fighter

Jin appears on a promotional poster for the Namco-produced crossover fighting game Tekken X Street Fighter, along with Street Fighter's Ryu (as well as their alter egos "Devil Jin" and "Evil Ryu", respectively). The Capcom-equivalent project, Street Fighter X Tekken, has so far not confirmed Jin's presence in the game, but he is mentioned in the trailer by Kazuya, who states that Jin desires to see Ryu. According to Capcom's Seth Killian about Jin's presence at IGN that he will be confirmed in that game very soon.

[edit] Other appearances

In the 2010 live-action film Tekken, Jin is portrayed by Jon Foo. This version of Jin differs slightly, wherein he was never raised by Heihachi and his mother was killed during a crackdown on insurgents by the Tekken Corporation. In addition, though he is still the illegitimate son of Kazuya, no mention of the Devil Gene is referenced in the film, and he speaks with an English accent (given that Foo is English). He enters the Iron Fist tournament to take revenge on Heihachi for his mother's death, but during the tournament, he learns that it was Kazuya who was responsible for the crackdown. He progresses through the tournament, falling in love with Christie Monteiro and forming alliances with Steve Fox, Raven and even Heihachi himself when Kazuya overthrows him. Eventually, Jin makes it to the final, beating Yoshimitsu and even Bryan Fury, and defeats his father in battle, yet refuses to kill him for the sake of their blood relation.

[edit] Devil Jin

Devil Jin, who represents Jin Kazama as he would appear after succumbing to the effects of Devil Gene, was made a separate playable character in Tekken 5. He is the sub-boss for every character in Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection except for himself, Jin Kazama, Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima, Asuka Kazama, Hwoarang, Raven, and Wang Jinrei. He is unlocked as a playable character in Tekken 5 by either playing 200 matches in any mode or completing the Devil Within minigame. He also appears in Tekken 6.

[edit] Story

Devil Jin's story is identical to Jin's, up until Tekken 5 where he has a separate path in "Story Mode". This story deals with Devil Jin's attempts to defeat Jinpachi Mishima and absorb the Devil power from him.

[edit] Ending

Tekken 5
Devil Jin has defeated Jinpachi Mishima. Picking up Jinpachi's body, Devil Jin absorbs his power through his arm. Dropping Jinpachi to the ground, Devil Jin's muscles expand suddenly, bursting through both of his gauntlets. Devil Jin's horns grow longer, and he is covered with long fur. His power becomes so massive that it triggers a violent explosion, and Devil Jin stands in the center of it, howling.
Tekken 6
Devil Jin has defeated Azazel. He then retrieves Azazel's orb, which absorbs his devil power and he turns him back to his normal state.

[edit] Appearance

Devil Jin is nearly identical to Jin Kazama, except for his inhuman transformations and a change in clothing. In Tekken 3, Devil Jin simply bore tattoos over his face, sported altered glowing red eyes with changed pupils, and grew black wings used for flight. In subsequent games, however, the transformation has been expanded upon. In Tekken 4, there is a noticeable sequence to Jin's changes. As the transformation began, his body was surrounded by a purple haze, then the familiar tattoos formed on his chest and arms, and, finally, he grew two black wings from his back. This is as far as the sequence goes within that game, however, as Jin was stopped before his transformation was complete.
According to Tekken 5's story, Jin's transformation within that game recurred as a reaction to Jinpachi Mishima's return.[15] Because of this, there is no visible transformation, and Devil Jin simply appears in his most advanced state to date. His new look includes horns, chains on his right arm, waist, and legs, and warped, talon-like fingers and a paır of gauntlets wıth spikes growing out of them. Like his father's Devil form, Jin also has a third eye upon his head used to fire a beam of energy at his opponents. However, like all characters within Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, Devil Jin can be customized with an assortment of physical changes. In Tekken 6, Devil Jin's appearance remains roughly unchanged. However, in actual gameplay, the chain on his waist must be purchased before it appears.

[edit] Fighting style/Powers

Devil Jin is something of an amalgamation of several Tekken characters. His fighting style style incorporates moves from Jin's and Devil's Tekken Tag Tournament movesets. According to the canonical storyline, Jin unlearned the Mishima Fighting Karate style as one of the many ways to display his total hatred and disdain for his bloodline. Devil Jin, however, uses this fighting style with no such qualms. His fighting style also incorporates a portion of the Kazama-style Defense, these moves being similar to some of those of Jin's mother Jun Kazama and cousin Asuka Kazama.
In addition, Devil Jin can use his wings for flight, and fire energy beams. In Hwoarang's epilogue, Devil Jin seems to wield the power of telekinesis to some degree to blow up Hwoarang's motorcycle (this is also shown in Devil Jin's extra win animation in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, Tekken 6 and Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion, which shows him using telekinesis to lift his opponent into the air while choking them).
However, despite his vast power, it seems that Jin's cousin Asuka can return Devil Jin to his human state simply by touching him, which can be seen in Asuka's Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection ending.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d Tekken 3 Instruction Manual.
  2. ^ Tekken 5 Character Selection Screen
  3. ^ Tekken 3 cover art Retrieved 29-6-07
  4. ^ Tekken 4 cover art Retrieved 29-6-07
  5. ^ Tekken DR cover art Retrieved 29-6-07
  6. ^ Gamest, ed (1997) (in Japanese). Gamest Game Hero Collection 1997; issue 208. Shinseisha. p. 240. 
  7. ^ Tekken 3 Opening Movie
  8. ^ Tekken 4, Jin Kazama "Prologue"
  9. ^ a b "Tekken 3 team interview". Retrieved January 1, 2008. 
  10. ^ Heihachi: "I will make your power mine . . . Time to die, boy!"
  11. ^ Tekken 5 "Story Mode": Kazuya
  12. ^ BradyGames' Official Tekken 5 Strategy Guide
  13. ^ Tekken 5 Official Site: Jin Kazama Profile
  14. ^ "Tekken 6 - Characters - Jin Kazama". Retrieved June 21, 2009. 
  15. ^ Tekken 5: Devil Jin "Prologue"